

南新月技术学院, 佐治亚技术学院系统的一个单位, 位于亚特兰大南部, 提供相关的技术教育, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, and learning opportunities via various instructional modalities at the associate degree, 文凭, 和证书水平,以促进服务, 员工发展, 经济发展.


南新月技术学院 will emerge as the preeminent technical college that prepares students to become globally work-ready.


南新月技术学院 is guided by the practice of the following core values:

  • 学术
  • 学生的成功
  • 完整性


南新月技术学院 was formed in July of 2010 as a result of a merger between Flint River Technical College and Griffin Technical College. The College serves the workforce and community needs of the citizens in the eight counties of the South Atlanta region including Butts, 菲也特, 亨利, 碧玉, 拉马尔, 派克, 斯伯丁, 和厄普森县. 南新月技术学院 students are served at the Flint River Campus in Thomaston, 格里芬的格里芬校区或巴茨的某个中心, 亨利, 或者贾斯珀县. 除了, the College provides Adult Education services in each of the eight counties in the service area.

在设备和设施中, 南新月技术学院 is constantly working to provide the most current, hands-on training to help stimulate the economic growth and development of this community. The tradition of academic excellence continues as the College expands and updates its facilities to help prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s workforce.

Flint River Technical College and Griffin Technical College had a rich legacy for the communities and the students that they served. The following historical background information on both of the colleges highlights the significant impact of the colleges and illustrates the importance of the educational and training opportunities of Flint River Technical College and Griffin Technical College.

弗林特河技术学院的历史始于1961年4月. 当时, an agreement between Upson County and the City of Thomaston created the Upson County Area Vocational-Technical School. Upson Tech是乔治亚州建立的第七所职业技术学校. 经过两年的策划和组织, the school began classes in September of 1963 in a temporary building in north Thomaston. 学校开设了四个专业.

1964年9月,一个新的设施在美国空军基地建成.S. 南19号公路被认为是主校区. 新设施允许教学十大网赌平台推荐增加到11个. 这所学校覆盖了八个县. 在1975年、1978年、1991年、1996年和2007年增加了额外的设施.

In 1988, the Georgia Legislature created a new Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education. The change allowed local schools to become a part of a unified state system with governance vested in a state board. 这一变化于1988年对该机构生效. The change also caused the institution’s name to become Upson Technical Institute. 自1963年以来, several programs of instruction were added to reflect the changing employment opportunities in the institution’s service area. Likewise, programs were deleted due to a lack of student interest and/or employer needs.

In 1989, 除了位于厄普森县的主校区, a major effort was begun to establish outreach centers in the three primary counties outside of Upson that were served by the institution. 作为这一努力的结果, 该机构在克劳福德发展了全日制服务, 泰勒, 和塔尔博特县. 与此相关的服务扩展, 该机构更名为弗林特河技术学院. The name was selected to reflect the geographic area served by the institution that bordered the Flint River.

7月6日, 2000, the name of Flint River Technical Institute officially became Flint River Technical College. Continued growth necessitated further expansion in 2004 when the Flint River Technical College 基金会 acquired the former Thomaston Mills corporate office complex. This location in downtown Thomaston served as a new location for Adult Education, 经济发展计划, 以及儿童保育资源和转介机构. 社区发展中心, 新地点被命名为, 提供了更多的空间来执行这些程序, 它还腾出了主校区的一些地方开设新的学分课程.

2006年,乔治亚州议会批准了7美元.5 million in funding for a new industrial training center to be placed on the main campus. 建立D, 由16个组成,000平方英尺, 焊接和连接技术, 空调技术, 驾驶商用卡车, 建设方案.

In 2007, the One Georgia Authority and the Department of Community Affairs awarded approximately $1 million dollars for an 8,000平方英尺的泰勒县中心扩建. This Center provided expanded classroom and lab areas for training programs for the citizens of 泰勒 County and surrounding areas. 也是在2007年, a $300,000 donation from the Windhover 基金会 of Quad Graphics was obtained which expanded and renovated the library on the main campus. 加法大约加了1,400平方英尺的空间用来放图书馆资料, 以及指定的电脑站和办公空间.

Flint River Technical College had five leaders to serve as the President of the College from 1961-2008. 与会领导人包括. E.G. McCants, 1961-1972; Mr. 克拉伦斯•R. Tunmer,1972-1975; Mr. 莱昂L. Barnes,1975-1987; Dr. 卡洛斯·R. Schmitt, 1988-2001; and Dr. 凯西年代. 爱,2001 - 2008.

The history of Griffin Technical College began in September of 1963 when the first students began classes in temporary quarters. Since that time, Griffin Technical College expanded its facilities and program offerings. 最初名为格里芬-斯伯丁县地区职业技术学校, the school operated under the supervision of the Georgia Department of Education. 前48名,这幢建筑于1966年建成,占地面积达1000平方英尺, and the first expansion of the school was completed in 1978 with the addition of 18,748平方英尺的教室空间.

In 1985, the State Board of Post-Secondary Vocational Education was established and existing schools were encouraged to join this network. Griffin Tech joined the system in July of 1987 and adopted the name Griffin Technical Institute. 1988年7月,州长乔·弗兰克·哈里斯将董事会提升为一个部门, 更名为技术与十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台系.

1990年8月, a 26,000平方英尺办公室, 教室和演讲厅被添加到现有的设施. 新的学术大楼于1995年春天落成, 它提供了15,297平方英尺的额外教室和办公空间. 1995年9月, 七英亩是从格里芬市买来的, 1997年2月, an additional two acres vacated by the Georgia State Patrol Station were acquired, 提供额外的7,223平方英尺的教室和办公空间.

2000年3月, Governor Roy Barnes approved legislation to change the name of Georgia’s technical institutes to colleges. 2000年7月, Griffin Technical Institute officially became Griffin Technical College and began offering students more options for their education. The term “technical college” more accurately reflected the quality and levels of services provided by these institutions to the citizens of Georgia.

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